Michael Spayd

Agile Transformation Pioneer

Session Title

Towards 21st Century Leaders: Creating a Deliberately Developmental Environment


Research suggests the limiting factor in an organizational transformation is the nature and quality of the mindset of the leaders who initiate and lead that transformation. This is good news and bad news for us. The bad news is that there are few leaders who, at present, are fully up to this momentous task. The good news is, the path to growing leadership maturity is well-understood. In this session, the Michaels will take you through the terrain of leadership development, from levels and stages, to the path of an individual in transformation, to setting up an effective program to help cohorts of leaders hold accountability and support each other's' growth, creating deliberately developmental environments that create sustainable transformation.


Michael K. Spayd's career in Agile began in 2001 as one of the leaders of a very large-scale adoption of Agile XP. Subsequently, Michael led and coached Agile transformations in a wide variety of contexts; as part of his practice, speaking, and teaching, he has endeavored to bring in key disciplines from fields external to Agile, such as professional coaching, systemic management, Integral Theory, organization development (OD), organization culture and change, and approaches to develop transformational leadership. In 2010, Michael co-founded the Agile Coaching Institute, where he trained thousands of Agile coaches. In 2020, he founded the Collective Edge (www.the-collective-edge.com) with some dear colleagues, to help expand consciousness at the critical edge of our collective needs. Michael describes his style of working as systemic alchemy. His first book (coauthored) is Agile Transformation: Using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework™ to Think and Lead Differently, published in 2020 by Addison-Wesley.